Sparrow Dance, led by choreographer and dancer Esther Wrobel, creates performances that combine aerial dance with dance, acrobatics and a playful approach towards our perception of reality. Fly Trap A pyjama drama for the whole family, created as a tribute to play and fantasy. It’s a magical and surreal world of aerial dance, video animations …
Robin Dingemans is a choreographer and performer who works primarily in Sweden & the UK. Robin’s works are often grounded in conceptual or philosophical frames, that implicitly explore political & sociological propositions. He plays freely with the boundaries of choreography, experimenting with devising processes and potential outcomes, which include dance for the stage, non traditional …
The next edition of the showcase which presents some of the finest Danish performing arts for children and youth will take place 9-11 May 2022. DANISH+ is an international showcase that takes place in the lovely city of Aarhus in Denmark every other year. The showcase is a unique opportunity for theatre delegates and representatives from around the …
Dalija Acin Thelander is a choreographer and a cultural worker based in Stockholm.The focus of her current artistic research and creation are performances for babies.Her work for the youngest audience concerns the exploration of the choreographic practices which focuses on heightened immediacy and immersion of the audience, aiming for a multi-modal and affective experience. She …
Christina Tingskog’s performances are appreciated for their wit, warmth, audience interaction, and compelling physicality. She challenges her young audiences with topics beyond the usual, for example, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and ways of logical thinking transformed into poetic, humorous, expressive dance. Starting in 2018, she worked with normal creative themes and formats for young audiences as …
WE GO is a band and dance company founded in 2004 by choreographer/dancer Kirstine Kyhl Andersen and composer/guitarist Niels Bjerg with an international ensemble of seven musicians and dancers. They investigate possibilities of embodying musical functions and transform them into unique experiences of choreographed concert-performances. Their dancing concerts have been presented at both theatres and …
Ingrid Olterman Dans was established in 1999 by choreographer and artistic leader Ingrid Olterman. The company creates dance performances where the audience plays an integral role and with an interest in creating multi-sensory stage works. Significant for the artistic work is the fine balance between humour, warmth, musicality and creativity. Each performance piece is developed …
Aaben Dans is a regional dance theatre, based in Roskilde Municipality just 30 km outside of Copenhagen. The theatre produces two new performances every year whereas at least one is for the young audience. The performances are showed in our venue in Roskilde, before they tour a lot, both nationally and internationally. Most performances are …
Teater Refleksion creates poetic and imaginative theatre performances for children and adults alike. Puppets are a central and very important part of every performance. The performances are simple in their expression but with a great sense of detail in both puppeteering and in the set design. They use little or no language at all. Instead …
PANTA REI DANCE THEATRE (PRD) is based in Oslo, Norway. The company is known for its high paced and colorful dance theatre performances accessible to a wide audience. PRD has an extensive outreach program to support the artistry. Panta Rei Dance Theatre was established in 2000. The company has since created nine productions and led numerous …