The Swedish choreographer and dancer Charlotta Öfverholm´s latest project AGE ON STAGE has received much attention and acclaim. We asked Charlotta to please tell us more!
Charlotta, what is AGE ON STAGE?
– The project AGE ON STAGE presents maturity on stage and questions the norms concerning age and bodies in the field of dance. AGE ON STAGE creates and presents international productions with dancers over 45 by well known choreographers. The project includes workshops for people over 65 to explore movements, their own bodies and emotions connected to them and their own creativity. And also yearly festivals and seminars focusing on age and stage. It´s a part of the EU Creative Europé project Dance on, Pass on, Dream on with nine EU partners all focusing on the same subject.

How come you started the project AGE ON STAGE?
– 2015 was the 20th anniversary of my production company Jus de la Vie and I wanted somehow to celebrate it. Especially celebrating the very loyal and incredible people I have worked with in the project since 20 years. When I formed my ten days celebration festival I called FUCKING BURN IT I realized that all performers involved were over 45 with at least twenty years stage experience. This became the red thread through the festival. Not only performances, but also films, a big gala and a seminar called AGE ON STAGE with invited international speakers filled the ten days. The energy I got from this made me want to continue for sure. Applying for support all over we were accepted as a Creative Europe project with nine partners.

What are your plans for the future?
– We start by opening Scenkonstbiennalen 23 May 2017 in Norrköping (Sweden’s largest festival for performing arts) with BEAUTY AND THE BEAST which is one part of our latest production SURVIVAL KIT. This full production will tour to eleven cities the north of Sweden in October and continues internationally to Suzanne Dellall Center in Tel Aviv (IL). A new production we call DANCE ON EXTENDED which is a coproduction between AGE ON STAGE and Berlin based DANCE ON premieres in Piteå and Luleå (SE) 22-25 Sep 2017. Nine superb dancers all around 50 years dance a tripple bill by Johannes Wieland (DE), William Forsythe (US) and Wendy Houstoun (GB). In June will we be part of Sadlers Wells festival Elixia in London (GB).
Our next workshop for mature people over 65 happens already 15-17 May 2017 at Dansens Hus in Stockholm (SE). Also another one in September. Lots of more ideas and plans are on the agenda!