during APAP NYC 9 – 13 January 2015
Below follows as many of the Nordic activities as we have been able to gather during APAP and ISPA in January in New York.
9:00 – 12:00 APAP | NYC Pre-Conference: Our Global Community
Pirjetta Mulari from Dance Info Finland and Michael Orlove (National Endowment of the Arts) are moderating this conference.
Multi-cultural collaboration and partnerships continue to evolve throughout the presenting industry on a global basis. What can we learn from each other about issues and opportunities to further advance and support the import and export of artists and their work? This facilitated think tank will bring together artists, cultural leaders, presenters, and agents-managers from various regions of the world and the U.S. to exchange information, ideas, and strategies for envisioning a strong sustainable global presenting community moving forward.
18:00 APAP Opening reception at the New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St.New York Hilton Midtown.
10:00 – 12:00 Norway Now 2015 – Performing Arts From the Northern Latitudes
Followed by lunch. Please note: By invitation only.
Since the early 2000s, a new generation of Norwegian artists has been developing and advancing a vital independent performance scene both in Norway and abroad. In this symposium a panel of six compelling artists—working in and between dance, theater, visual art, film and music—talk about their artistic strategies, themes, and contexts. What are the opportunities for international collaboration, co-production, and presenting? Tom Sellar, editor of Yale’s international performance journal Theater and Noémie Solomon, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Dance Studies at Brown University, moderate this two-hour symposium.
Participating artists: Jo Strømgren, Mia Habib, Ingun Bjørnsgaard, Findlay// Sandsmark (F//S), Lise Li, Guri Glans representing NIE New International Encounter
Other participating artists include: Winter Guests, NONcompany, Toyboys, Molitrix Scenekunst, Zero visibility corp, Haugen Produksjoner, Siri & Snelle, Ingri Fiksdal and Teater Joker.
Where: Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016
Co-Organized with Performing Arts Hub Norway and the Royal Norwegian Consulate of New York
14.00 – 18.30 Opening Hours Exhibition Hall at APAP
Swedish Arts Council’s BOOTH 168.
madein-theweb.com representative Åsa Edgren, will be present in the booth to hand out information on the member groups of madein-theweb.com and give information in general about activities in the performing arts in the Nordic Countries. As a board member of ISPA she can also provide information about the ISPA Congress in Malmö/Copenhagen May 2015.
For a personal meeting with Åsa Edgren please send a mail to: asa.edgren@locoworld.se.
Where: Americas Hall I, New York Hilton Midtown 1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St.
15:30 – 17:00 Seminar Arts, Academia and Curational Practices
How can higher education establish deeper collaborations and partnerships with artists and presenting colleagues from around the world? Moderator: Dana Whitco. Deltagare: Kristy Edmunds, Erwin Maas and Efva Lilja.
Where: New York Hilton Midtown, 1335 Avenue of the Americas at 54th St.
Room: Sheraton, Columbus Circle Room

20:00 Cirkus Cirkör, SWEDEN at Circus Now: International Contemporary Circus Exposure
Sweden’s leading contemporary circus company Cirkus Cirkör presents an excerpt of their latest performance Underart. For three unprecedented nights, New York audiences are invited to reimagine their perceptions of a timeless art during the event Circus Now: International Contemporary Circus Exposure 2015. Join them in this celebration of contemporary circus.
Further Nordic presence within the Circus Now program:
Winners of the prestigious Circus Next award in Europe, Compagnie Nuua creates a juggling form where the body works together with the objects as a tool for manipulation and expression, developing an original and poetic common language.
An aerial rope artist who blends video and intense live physicality, she has collaborated with Shakespeare’s Globe, Royal Opera House, The Place, and Darwin Centre at National History Museum in the UK. .
For information about receptions, please contact Booth 168.
Where: NYC Skirball Center http://nyuskirball.org/calendar/circusnow2015
13:30 18:30 Opening Hours Exhibition Hall at APAP
Swedish Arts Council’s BOOTH 168.
14.00-16.00 Current Perspectives/ SWEDEN: Presentations and Conversations on Performing Arts from Sweden. Moderator: Will Rawls. With reception to follow.
Where: Catherine Ahnell Gallery, 66 Grand Street #1, SoHo
Cristina Caprioli, Jefta van Dinther, Björn Säfsten, Lilith Performance Studio and Cullberg Ballet discuss their work as choreographers and artistic directors and their perspectives on art, artistry and relationships to the audience.
The session will be followed by a reception.
RSVP by January 9th to rsvp@artscouncil.se
22.00-24.00 Nordic Party
Where: The Park New York City
118, 10th Ave.(at 18th street)
No RSVP needed. Welcome all Nordic friends!
The party is sponsored by Consulate General of Sweden in New York & the Royal Norwegian Consulate of New York.
8.30 – 11.00 and 13.30 – 18.00 APAP Exhibition Hall, Booth 168 opening hours
LINKS to Performing Art festivals in New York in January
Under the Radar – www.undertheradarfestival.com
AMERICAN REALNESS – http://americanrealness.com/
COIL – www.ps122.org
Prototype – http://prototypefestival.org/